The Power of Touch
In the Hay House Radio Archives this week, there is a good talk on the Magical power of touch with Davidji (the May 16th 2013 show). The first half of the show is meditation and a lot of the information on touch is in the second part. You need to open an account to have access to recent archives. It is free and they do not spam or distribute your email.
Research has shown that there is immense power in touch. Not only for the sick to heal but also even linked to the survival of orphans in orphanages. Touch reduces fear and anxiety which in turn reduces cortisol level liberated in the body in times of stress. High cortisol levels have been linked to reduced immunity, and thus, touch will have an impact in improving the immune function of your body.
The is an interesting article of the Power of Touch on the Psychology Today website. language of touch, the impact of touch on others, including its influence of shopping habits and tipping of waiters and waitresses.
A web MD article addresses the Healing Power of Touch and its impact of illness stress, anxiety, pain and much more.
A simple touch on the shoulder, or a full blown hug… physical contact with fellow humans, and pets or animals, has tremendous positive impact on wellbeing at so many levels. Holding someone’s hand while they receive a diagnosis, holding your child in your arms while he or she gets their vaccines or shots, hugging a bereaved friend suffering a loss, often have more impact than words alone…even at times, choosing not to speak and simply be present might be the better choice and most comforting option.
The giver gets as much benefits than the receiver…Have you hugged someone today?
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