- Web: The Secrets of Discipline. A MUST watch video.
- Web: Why Positive Parenting Trumps Physical Punishment When It Comes to Disciplining Kids
- Web: Blog Series on Parenting & Discipline from a website “which demonstrates how psychological science contributes to the greater good”. They have many contributors and great articles.
- Web: Tweens and Discipline by Kim John Payne. He also addresses young kids and teens briefly.
- Kim John Payne on The Soul of Discipline. “There is no such thing as a disobedient child only a disoriented one”. KJP
- Simple Discipline– 8 articles by Kim John Payne
- Kim John Payne on Raising Respectful Children
Who’s In Charge? Reclaiming the Lead with an Alpha Child. What to do when roles are reversed and you have lost control. Your child may be an alpha child.
- Does your child have an alpha complex? Dr. Neufeld helps us understand the different dynamics and where it stems from. Preview video of the course.
- Here is a good site that summarizes pretty well the Whole Brain Child Strategies of Dr. Siegel (help with tantrum, emotion management, etc). Video on the book No-Drama Discipline. See why real discipline is about teaching and not punishment. No-Drama Discipline Webinar.
CONNECT AND REDIRECT REFRIGERATOR SHEET- Dr.Dan Siegel Great “How to” Strategies (printout)
Our Discipline Approach in a Nutshell In a nutshell “For us, discipline comes down to one simple phrase: Connect and Redirect. Our first response should always be to offer soothing connection, then we can redirect behaviors.” Dr. Siegel (printout)
Selective Attention and Strategic Ignoring. These are two strategies to help cope with children’s misbehaviour and are motivated to get a reaction from parents (e.g., upset about a limit that was set, cranky because they were denied their own way, or generally just irritable about daily events).
In a two-part series, Dr. Neufeld outlines five of the most common roots of problem behaviour and explains why discipline is not the answer to any of them. He then turns to play as the surprising solution to these issues. A Playful Approach to Discipline – Part I and Part II. A quote from the article “Controlling the outcomes of children’s behaviour will not work for two basic reasons: first, their immature brains are not wired to function in terms of outcomes; and second, the underlying issues that give rise to most problem behaviour cannot be addressed through discipline.”
Video: Dr Neufeld’s Making Sense of Discipline Preview
Secrets of Discipline presents the keys to effective discipline in a clear and understandable format. Learn how to raise and teach children without all the deal making, arguments and confrontations. Learn how to set appropriate limits, teach courtesy and respect, and deal effectively with defiance. BOOK: Secrets of Discipline- 12 Keys for Raising Responsible Children
- Recommended books on discipline here.