I am a registered forensic psychologist in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Canada. I currently work in the Province of Ontario. I have a Ph.D. from the University of Montreal, with 18 years of experience in the field. I have conducted risk assessments and treatment for the Correctional Service of Canada, for the National Parole Board, for the Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services (youth institution) and have also conducted treatment and assessment in the Forensic Units of psychiatric hospitals and provincial psychiatric jails. I have also worked in community settings serving youth and adults on probation and parole. I am a clinical member of ATSA (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers) since 1997, which requires a minimum of 2000 direct clinical hours in order to become a member. I was determined to be an expert to testify at the provincial court level in Canada.
Populations served: youth and adult offenders.
Specializations: Sexual Risk Assessment, Psychopathy, Non Sexual Risk Assessment
Services: Consulting, Training, Lecturing, Assessment, and Treatment