Homemade organic play dough

Mix the following organic ingredients: 1 cup flour 1 cup water 1/2 cup of sea salt 1 Tbsp of oil 2 Tbsp of Cream of Tartar Food coloring or use natural spices for color (e.g. turmeric for yellow) A few drops of an essential oil (eg, lavender for relaxation). It is up...

Learn to decode your baby’s language

I first came across Dunstan Baby Language while watching Oprah. It captured my attention as a future mom and the need to be that  ”perfect” mom…but mostly out of the terror of not being able to understand my baby’s cries and it having an impact on our attachment. I...

Resource for ADD (or ADHD-Inattentive type)

ADDitude: Living well with Attention Deficit  is a wonderful website for adults or children suffering with attentional problems (whether you have a diagnosis or not). With ADD often come problems with executive functions (e.g., difficulty starting and finishing...

What to do guides, for kids

A colleague of mine recommended these little interactive self-help workbooks to help children cope with anxiety, negativity, anger, problems with sleep, and OCD. The author uses lively metaphors and illustrations to make the concepts and strategies easy to understand....

Just a thought…

This was sent to me by a friend…. I am passing it along.   from The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace by Jack Kornfield (Bantam, 2002):   Grasping too tightly the things of this world, attachments arise.   Holding only to how we want it to...

Executive Functioning Skills

Many kids with ADHD- Inattentive or combined type or nonverbal learning disabilities, for example, have deficits with executive functioning skills. This concept is “used by psychologists and neuroscientists to describe a loosely defined collection of brain processes...

Calming Homemade mist

Pour water (distilled or filtered) into the spray bottle. Add a few drops of a chosen essential oil to the water. The number of drops will depend on the size of the spray bottle. The smaller the amount of water the smaller is the number of drops you will add. Just put...

Simplicity Parenting

Has your life become overwhelming? Have too much on your plate? Are your children overscheduled? Do your kids have too many toys?   Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure Kids By Kim John Payne, Lisa...

Discover Waldorf Education

Watch this video on You Tube : https://youtu.be/FBGEiv4weNc This video, the third in a series, looks at the unique approach taken by Waldorf schools to the teaching of writing and reading. Eugene Schwartz explains the emphasis placed upon the kinesthetic and spatial...

Children learn what they live….

I’ve been carrying in my wallet this credit card size poem that I have owned since before I had children. It is a beautiful poem. I have no idea who wrote it, but well worth reading and living by. If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives...

If you care about your health

Watch this movie, free until November 6th: The Genetic Roulette. The impact of genetically modified foods on your health and your children's health. Why is there more than ever an epidemic of cancer, auto immune disorders, food allergies, leaky guts, etc... This movie...

Parenting Workshop: Don’t miss

Renowned author and childhood counsellor,  Kim John Payne, is coming to Ottawa to lecture about Simplicity Parenting, based on his bestselling book of the same title, which has been translated in 12 languages and spurred an international parenting movement.  There are...

Anxiety and Relaxation

I have found quite a few good podcasts on this website for people who suffer from anxiety and insomnia from Inner Health Studio (www.innerhealthstudio.com). Go take a look. "sleep relaxation" from July 2011 is really effective. Try it. This website also includes...

ADHD top 10 must read

From ADDitude newsletter1. Prevent Procrastination -- Before It Even StartsHelp those who struggle with putting off tasks they dreadwith these simple but effective strategies.»>>PLUS: Get ADHD Time-Management Acts Together With This Great App!2. 10 Ways...


Check out this podcast on iTunes:   https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?i=80600934&id=119944293     Dr. Gina Madrigrano Sent from my iPod

Simplicity Parenting

Has your life become overwhelming? Have too much on your plate? Are your children overscheduled? Do your kids have too many toys? Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure KidsBy Kim John Payne, Lisa M. Ross...

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