Conquer your fears
"Fear makes us feel our humanity." - Benjamin Disraeli "Do what you fear and fear disappears." - David Joseph Schwartz "Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom." - Marilyn Ferguson
Quote of the day
"The body says what words cannot." - Martha Graham "When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water." - Benjamin Franklin "In dealing with those who are undergoing great suffering, if you feel 'burnout' setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best,...
Thought of the day
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” “There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by...
A workshop on Discipline
The Soul of Discipline -Parenting lecture by Kim John Payne - October 25, 7:30pm Events & Entertainment • Posted by Julie on September 27, 2013 Renowned author and childhood counsellor Kim John Payne returns to Ottawa After a very popular event last year, author...
Research on the impact of Ascension meditation
The Bright Path Ascension Meditation Really Does Light People Up - Even Across Space and Time By Saraswati What if someone told you that you were made of light? What if they also told you that positive intention is not bound by space and time? Or, that it is...
Meditation: The Ishayas’ Ascension Technique
The meditation is simple, natural and powerful and is called the Ishayas’ Ascension. Ishaya means “for higher Consciousness” and Ascension means to “rise beyond” the self-defeating beliefs and judgments which keep the mind in conflict and the heart in pain. It is not...
Are you addicted to your mind?
Article by Avya Devi Ishaya, M.A., CMT In answer to the question in the title, I know I certainly was. I had a whole committee of voices in my head commenting on my every move. I could readily relate to the oft quoted saying around twelve step programs...
The Power of Touch
In the Hay House Radio Archives this week, there is a good talk on the Magical power of touch with Davidji (the May 16th 2013 show). The first half of the show is meditation and a lot of the information on touch is in the second part. You need to open an account to...
How to raise happier children
Good strategies are shared on this week's show on Hay House Radio. It features Dr. Menis Yousry and he will be co-host for I believe 5 or 6 weeks, sharing great parenting strategies. Dr Yousry discusses 5 practical strategies towards a consciousness of loving guidance...
Talk: The Impact of Technology on Children
THis talk will be given March 6th from 7 to 9 pm. 2310 Virginia Drive Ottawa, K1H 6S2. Entrance fee is at your discretion, by donation. Hope you can make it.
Why choose Waldorf Education ?
"Why Waldorf?" - a new film about Waldorf education. See in what way the curriculum and the values differ from mainstream education, and offers not only academics, social skills and social responsibility, but also how to do sports, music and arts. The program...
Recommended book for Depression
A great practical workbook for treating depression. Currently available at Costco at a reduced price, and at
Ten Foods to Boost Your ADHD Brain
Source: ADDitudemag.com helps many adults and children with ADHD, but it doesn’t work for everyone."Parents and adults see me either because the medication isn’t doing the job, or they want more...
Natural remedies to relieve symptoms of anxiety
A great number of people of all ages suffer from anxiety . There are natural remedies to relieve symptoms of anxiety, which have been proven effective in studies which included control groups. If you are not willing to take prescriptions drugs and prefer to try the...
Traits perpetuating anxiety and how to change them
If you are on a quest to finding a natural anxiety treatment, you first need to be aware of what contributes to your anxiety and what perpetuates it. Individuals who suffer from anxiety often share common character traits, some are positive and some are less...
Relaxing activity if you have anxiety
Some people who suffer from anxiety fidget a lot and like to keep their hands busy. For some that means holding a cigarette, fiddling with their keys, etc. I have found that in my practice, many anxious individuals find it relaxing to handle the playdough that is on...
What is elimination communication?
It is practiced around the world…. It has so many benefits for your baby and your family and the environment. It is not the same as potty training. It is a gentle way of learning about your child’s natural rythms of elimination. We started with our daughter she was...
Book review: Diaper Free Baby
Concerned about the environment? Already practicing attachment parenting? Want to save a bit of money? Want your child to be out of diapers sooner than later? All these reasons are good enough for you to decide to practice Elimination Communication (EC). For those of...
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